Well, the birthday has come and gone, thank goodness. It started out a little rough for me but after an attitude adjustment and so many greetings from my facebook fans, my spirits were uplifted. I love the PWS community on facebook. I do not know how I survived without them. I think I was a little depressed this year. I turned 55 and my mother died from melanoma when she was 55 and after almost dying this summer, it made me stop and think. Then I realized I should be celebrating the fact that I was alive to see this birthday. On the upside, I qualify for a senior drink at McDonald's now, so anytime I want a Coke, I can just walk up the street and get one for fifty cents. My oldest daughter surprised me with a birthday cake late last night that she had bought at Wal-Mart (a turtle cake - chocolate and caramel). I hid it but cut Audrianna a small piece tonight and she wanted to know if there was a real turtle in it. Now I have to find another place to hide it. It is so rich and the frosting is like chocolate heaven. I feel a little guilty since I just read a blog by a friend of mine and she was talking about increasing the amount of veggies she eats.
Audrianna is still loving her new teacher and it isnt taking too much encouragement to get her ready to go in the morning.
This blogging stuff is still kind of new to me and I am not really sure why anyone would want to read this stuff but I'll keep up with it for now.
No, the blog doesn't stuff!! I can read it my english is very poor ,but I enjoy reading it . This blog will help another people, another pws mothers , for sure. Claudia